     Chamblee Newspaper

    Wouldn't it be great to be out of school? No teachers, no work, no worries.

    Well the Chicago teachers union launched the first teacher strike in 25 years, leaving about 350,000 students without a school to attend to. Teachers or stikinkg for and against things such as higher pay, better building conditions, being fired for anything, high cost of healthcare. massive classroom sizes and increase or decrease of pay due to test scores of students.

   I agree with teachers being for anything because there is odviously a reason they are being fired whether they thinks its reasonable or not. Decrease or increase of pay due to test scores of students and teachers thinking they are not being payed enough can be considered greedy. Initaly when choosing an occupation one should not consider the money, choosing a job should be about doing something you're passionate about not even thinking about how much you get.

     I believe teachers are being selfish and only thinking of themselves, not their students and how they'll be affected due to their strike. Students being out of school can cause many problems such as kids getting into trouble and they could be behind in their education. Parents are also being affected by the strike because they do have to work and for some they are unable to leave their kids at home meanig parents have to miss work and stay at home with their kids, leavechildren at home worrying if they'll get into trouble or pay for someone to take care of them.

The strike should be ended and teachers need to go back to teaching. 

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