     Chamblee Newspaper

    Wouldn't it be great to be out of school? No teachers, no work, no worries.

    Well the Chicago teachers union launched the first teacher strike in 25 years, leaving about 350,000 students without a school to attend to. Teachers or stikinkg for and against things such as higher pay, better building conditions, being fired for anything, high cost of healthcare. massive classroom sizes and increase or decrease of pay due to test scores of students.

   I agree with teachers being for anything because there is odviously a reason they are being fired whether they thinks its reasonable or not. Decrease or increase of pay due to test scores of students and teachers thinking they are not being payed enough can be considered greedy. Initaly when choosing an occupation one should not consider the money, choosing a job should be about doing something you're passionate about not even thinking about how much you get.

     I believe teachers are being selfish and only thinking of themselves, not their students and how they'll be affected due to their strike. Students being out of school can cause many problems such as kids getting into trouble and they could be behind in their education. Parents are also being affected by the strike because they do have to work and for some they are unable to leave their kids at home meanig parents have to miss work and stay at home with their kids, leavechildren at home worrying if they'll get into trouble or pay for someone to take care of them.

The strike should be ended and teachers need to go back to teaching. 




Grace Morris adores her father. He’s about 6 feet tall with sandy blond hair and just enough muscles to make someone assuage  an argument or back down from a fight with him. He travels all around the world in his hot air balloon writing stories about his adventures and bringing back fruit to sell at the local market held at the end every other month.

                People come from all over Savannah just to get a glimpse of his eccentric fruit and hear his vivid enlightening interesting tails about his fruit and his journeys just to get them; pink plums with green spikes, oranges with out the citrus flavor and tomatoes that are sweet like an peach.

      “Hi Gracey”
     “Hey Dad”

    “Guess what I have today”

     Hesitating before she responds. “Ummmm a purple watermelon that's orange on the inside with yellow seeds”

    “No but it is a melon”

    Her father hands her a fruit that’s green like the leaves of an evergreen, smaller than her big toe and probably weighs an ounce.

  “Bite it its delicious”

    Hesitantly Grace Does as she’s told and takes a small bite and just as the fruit’s sweet flavor enters her mouth her eyes widen with amazement and excitement to put the rest in her mouth.

    “I knew you’d like it” says her dad with a satisfying smirk. “Gracey I’d like you to come with me tomorrow when I leave for another trip your mother already said it was okay and you’re out school. Would you like to come?”

    Trying to hide the ebullient reaction she wants give her father.” Of course I would love to come with you.

    “Great then its all set we’ll leave at the crack of dawn”

    Grace was too excited to go to sleep last night so she stayed up imagining the place thy were going and how different it would be. But because of her lack of sleep she fell aleep in the hot air ballon and was woken up with a CRACK and POP! The sky was black as tar and the waves under her were as fierce as her younger brother when he doesn’t get what he wants.

    “Dad what’s going on, I'm scared”

    “It’s a storm an it’s knocked us off course and I cant steer the balloon because the steer is jammed and the balloon has a whole in it that I can only repair on the ground landed”

    “But where over water there could a strip of land for miles”

    “I know but I’m pretty sure the basket can float on the water”

    “Pretty sure but we’re going to die out here alone”

    Suddenly the air balloon starts twirling and spiraling toward the water. 

    “AWWWWWW.” Yells Grace

    Just as they plop in the water a huge wave hovers over them and right then Grace knew it was over. All she could here was water whirling around her as she reached for her father hand they were thrown out the basket into the water just as they reach for air another wave came that was larger than the other that made everything go black.

    “Grace wake up. Get up Gracey come on we made it to an island wake up please.” Graces father pleads with fear in his voice.

    One eye opens slowly not used to the new light yet and then the other.



What is your favorite sport? What skills are needed to become an elite athlete in that sport?

    My favorite sport is swimming. There are to ways to swim recreational, which is what i like to do and in this case you'll only need to know how to float and tread water. Treading water is when you float upright, as if you're sitting in a chair that's under water. The second type of swimming is competitive. Competitive swimming is much more serious and requires a lot of work. There are four different strokes when doing competitive swimming; backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and crawl, also know as freestyle which is commonly used and seen when swimming.  Do you enjoy swimming, what's your favorite type?